Sunday, October 31, 2010

Misc pictures from Sept & Oct

It seems to become more and more common that there is a big gap between pictures. What can I say, We are BUSY and I tend to lose things. It took me a good month to find time to look for the cord in order to download the pictures to the computer. Here it what we have been up to from mid September - October.

Minneapolis - Matt and I took a weekend to visit the family residing in Minnesota.

Davin has been taking swim lessons on Saturday morning. He does a good job. The only issue is with the breathing. He stops swimming every time he has to take a breath.

Cyclone football. Matt has season ticket to the ISU football games. I've been to a couple and he has taken his friends to a couple of the games.

Spending time with friends. Hector, Carrie and their crew came to eat lunch with us one Sunday and we took the kids to the park. It was our three kids + their four. It kept our little house full. They kids all play together really well though.

Pumpkin Patch - Pepa and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch one Saturday while Matt was at a football game.

Then we carved the pumpkins.

I ran the Des Moines Half Marathon. My time was 1 hour 41 minute and 37 seconds. I'm not double checking so that could be a couple seconds off. I was hoping to finish a little quicker, BUT it was good enough to get me in the top 10% overall and I was in the top 3% of the female runners. I'm hoping to do it again next year and have been trying to figure out way to
improve my time. It should be as simple as running more consistently and stretching. My parents, Matt, and the kids were all there to cheer me on
around mile 9 and at the end.

Note: The time is off a little in this picture. They actually go by the chip on my shoe.


After much debate Davin decided to be a gangster. We always wait to buy his costume until the last minute because he seems to change his mind a lot and we didn't want to deal with any drama. The gun was the main selling point although it is mostly for at home because we didn't let him take it to most of the trick-or-treat events.

We went to to my parents' house to visit. The kids always enjoy playing outside. Davin and Sophia climbed the tree to pick apples. We brought them home and made apple dumplings.

More Halloween at the zoo in Omaha. Getting all three of the kids to look at the camera at once is impossible. After two attempts I just give up. Ben is a monkey. My mom made the costume for Davin when he was that age. Davin is a gangster (without the gun). Sophia is Tinker Bell. Mom also made some of her costume.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Table Rock

Here they are. The last boating pics of the summer. Matt and I decided it would be a good weekend to head south where the weather and the water would be a little warmer with the kids. We had a good time. My parents came with which was great. The water was beautiful on Sunday and there were lots of nice pools.

We went out to eat in Branson at the Farmhouse and got ice cream afterwards.

Matt skiing.

Davin and Sophia under the waterfall at one of the pools.

One of the pool complexes.