Monday, May 25, 2009

Boating at Red Rock

On May 24th Scott, Jenna, and Kayla were nice enough to let us go boating with them at Lake Red Rock. Uncle John came along too. He took Davin and Sophia tubing. You can decide who enjoyed it and who didn't.

Kayla and Ben enjoying the life jackets together.

Sophia wore the swim suit Aunt Genene and Uncle Steve gave her for Easter.

Out with Hector and Carrie

On Friday, May 22nd we went out to eat at Woody's Smoke Shack with Hector and Carrie. Then we picked up Pepa and went to Salsa night at the Hotel Fort Des Moines. We made it in time for the lessons. I still need some work, but I'll blame the shoes. Matt really enjoys shaking his butt. I wish I had a video. He will probably make me take that part out once he reads it!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Danielle's Graduation

Sophia's New Pajamas

I found these cute pajamas at Von Maur, but thought they were too expensive. So I waited and they finally went on sale. Of course she's cute on her own but this doesn't hurt. Typically she won't look at the camera, but now she is figuring out that afterwards she can look at herself.

Ben's 6 month check-up

Ben had his 6 month check-up on May 12th. As always he was a good sport...except the 3 shots and an oral vaccination. That got him upset for a minute. They were able to confirm he is a BIG boy. He weighed in at 18 pounds, 12.5 ounces and is 27 1/4 inches long. That puts him in the 90th percentile in each category. Pretty funny because that is approximately what Sophia weighed at her 1 year check-up!

Ben's head was 16 7/8 inches around or in the 25th percentile. When I look at pictures it always seems like Ben's head is just as big as Sophia's so I measured the diameter of her head and I was almost right. Her head is about 1 inch longer than his.

After Danielle's graduation we stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Shipman's. Ben took a two hour nap with Grandpa. He is starting to get up on his hands and knees so I think he got tired out. Crawling will come pretty soon!

Danielle's Graduation Party

Danielle's Graduation Party
May 9th, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Saul's Birthday at Jumping Jack's

We went to Jumping Jack's to help celebrate Saul's 6th birthday.

Sophia needed help getting up the wall the first time,
but after that she had no problems on her own.

Ashley, Sophia, and Pepa

Davin passed out pretty quickly after we got home.

Sophia thought it would be fun to put marker all over herself
while Mom tried to do some laundry.

Before I had a chance to get her out of her seat she fell asleep too.
I couldn't leave her very long looking like that though!

Cinco de Mayo Celebration

On Saturday (05/02) we went to the Cinco de Mayo party in Valley Junction with Pepa, Saul, and his cousin. The kids had a good time. Davin did the rock climbing wall. He didn't make it all the way to the top, but farther than I thought he would. The kids also rode on inflatable toys.

Saul, Giovanni, and Davin

The people in charge kept saying the older kids had to be
because of the smaller kids. No worries. Sophia does more
damage than they do!