Saturday, October 24, 2009

Race for the Cure

Matt and I just finished doing the Race for the Cure in Des Moines earlier this morning. It was fun. There were about 25,000 people running or walking. We opted to run...most of the way! I tried to find Matt some cute pink clothes, but he thought the shirt was sufficient.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 10th & 11th

As always, the weekend was busy. On Saturday morning it snowed and was cold out. Davin has swimming lessons at 8:00 and Sophia begged to go with. She said she would be good and Matt thought I should "give her a shot". I told him I would keep that in mind the next time we needs to go somewhere and Sophia begs to go with, but ended up taking her with. There was enough snow that I had to clean the van off before leaving.
Sophia did not behave. She frequently likes to ask, "Was I being have?" instead of saying behaving. Needless to say, I didn't get to watch Davin swim at all and spent 45 minutes chasing after her. Next time she is staying home.
Saturday evening we went to the Marriot to swim with the Hadsall family and Saul came with us. The kids had a good time. The boys played Marco Polo. Sophia floated on her back in her life jacket and Ben just did whatever Matt or I decided. The water was warm and he didn't complain. He seemed to enjoy making splashes with his hands.
Sunday morning Davin's school had a Stampede fundraiser and a pancake breakfast. My parents came up for it. We went to eat and then later in the morning Matt volunteered to help out for a couple of hours. His intent was to man the bake sale, but instead he ended up flipping pancakes. I said next year we could volunteer together, but he thought it would be better if I just take a turn.

Davin's visit to Howell Pumpkin Patch

Davin's class at school took a field trip to the Howell Pumkin Patch on October 7th. Matt went along as a chaperone and got to meet some of Davin's friends. Each of the kids got to pick a pumkin and Davin was able to play there for a while.

Davin with his friend Matthew.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloween activities - Oct 3rd

Saturday Davin, Sophia, Ben, and I headed down to Colby Park for some Halloween activities while Matt played golf with friends from his softball league. I was a little nervous about taking all three, but they were really good and we had no issues. My mom brought them these cute halloween shirts the last time she was up so they all looked festive. There were bands playing and inflatables for the kids to go on. There weren't very many people so the kids didn't have to wait in line and could roam a little. Ben couldn't go on any rides so he spent most of the time napping instead.

Playing at the Park - Sept 27th

The weather was nice on the 27th so I took the kids to the park. Ben entertained himself while I played with Davin and Sophia. He really likes to swing.

ISU football vs Army, Sept 26th

On September 26th Matt, Davin, Sophia and I went to Ames to see Iowa State play Army. Roberta met us there and Mary came up to watch Ben. They had inflatables before the game and food for the kids since Davin is a member of the Cyclone Club. During the game the kids also got to sit in a hummer and look at a cannon the army had on display.