Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's weekend

We were busy for Valentine's Day weekend. Davin and Sophia each made their own Valetine's day cards. Davin's (above) were aliens. Sophia made flowers with blow pops in the middle. They each had parties at school on Friday.

Friday night Matthew and Sophia went to a Father/Daughter dance at the church. She had a good time and got to dance with all the other little girls. Matt said she was the youngest there. The party lasted until 9:00, but at 8:00 Sophia said she was ready to go to bed so they came home.

Each of the little girls got a flower when they left the dance. Sophia broke the stem off the flower when she got home, but I got some pictures of her with it. I tried to get her to hold it in her mouth with the stem, but she refused.

Saturday morning Matt and I did the Red Flannel Run to support to YMCA downtown. Matt ran the 3 mile race and I did the 5 mile race.

Saturday night we went to the sweetheart Valentine's Day dinner and dance at the church with Dwight and Roberta. It was fundraiser for the school and teacher appreciate night. The best part was they offered free daycare. We enjoyed watching the teachers dance as well. One of the teachers was really getting down and did the splits on the dance floor! We were impressed.

Sophia's birthday - Feb 2nd