Friday, April 16, 2010

Davin's Letter Parade

Davin's class had a "letter parade". Throughout the year they have been working on learning the sounds each letter makes. He and his classmates had to decorate a shirt with the letter they were designated and have an item that represents the letter. Davin picked O. He used an octopus because it had to be the short O sound. Matt helped him draw and paint an octopus out of cardboard. Of course, the other kids had to get involved as well!

Davin decorating his shirt with the letter O. He suffers from really bad allergies in the spring so his face and his eyes look a little funny here.

Sophia wanted to help by making a shirt of her own.

All of the parents and several of the younger elementary students came to watch each of the kids present their letters. They also had a song that went with each letter.
After the parade the kids were supposed to pose for a picture. You can't expect a lot out of 5 & 6 year olds, but notice most of the kids are sitting nicely trying to look at one of the many parents taking pictures...then there is Davin and his friend Matthew.

Grandparent's Day

On April 9th, St. Theresa's had a Grandparent's Day so Dwight came down. The grandparents got to go to Mass with the kids, visit their classroom, and then go to lunch together.

Easter Weekend

Friday before Easter we decorated Easter Eggs with Saul and Pepa.

Davin blowing out an egg to decorate.

Saturday morning we went to hunt Easter eggs at St. Theresa's. The eggs were just put on the ground on the baseball field so there wasn't much finding to it, but the kids had a good time.

Ben was enjoying some of his Easter Candy in this picture.

Saturday afternoon we headed up to Grandpa and Grandma Widen's house. Dwight got a couple of kites so the kids tried to get them to fly. They had some success.

Sunday morning we went to church in Corwith with Matt's family. After taking five pictures this one was the best. We aren't all looking, but close. This is why I need photo shop.

Matt's aunt, uncle and their family.
Better shots of the kids in their Easter clothes.

After church we went to Great Grandpa and Grandma Shipman's house for lunch. Then the kids had another Easter egg hunt.

Spring Break - Wisconsin Dells