Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Trip to the Keys

Matt and I went with Dwight and Roberta to the Florida Keys the end of May. We stayed in Marathon, but also went to Key West and then to Miami for an afternoon before having to come back to Iowa. I would have stayed longer, but the real world called. If only someone could have just shipped the kids down to us! We got to go snorkeling and took a night time fishing trip among other things. Matt seems to think that vacations are for relaxing, but he should know better by now. We stayed pretty busy. My thought is, if I wanted to relax I would just go home! Here are a couple of pictures.

In Miami we got to go to an Argentine cafe. It was one of my favorite parts of the trip. We had empanadas and pizza. Yum!

Monday, June 7, 2010

John's Graduation Weekend

For Mother's Day I thought it would be a good idea to have the kids decorate pots to give to the grandmas. Turns out that it wasn't a great idea. We spent a lot of time in the bathtub trying to get the paint off and Ben looked like he was wearing toe nail polish for a couple of weeks.

Since we were at the Widen's for Easter Genene & Steve decided to do a scavenger hunt for the kids at the Maher's on Mother's Day since Easter was long gone. Genene created riddles and the kids had to find their presents all over the yard. They had a good time. They each got new swim suits and some other fun toys.

Davin's Mother's Day Program

Davin's class did a great Mother's Day program. The first half was dedicated to the Virgin Mary so they kids sang songs like Ave Maria. Then the second half was dedicated to the kids' moms. Each kid painted a picture of their mom and had to state one reason they love their mom. Some were pretty funny like, "I love my mom because she takes me out to eat when I'm hungry." or "I love my mom because she takes me to Hardee's." I was a little nervous, but lucked out. Davin's was, "I love my mom because she cuddles me."