Monday, September 13, 2010

Table Rock

Here they are. The last boating pics of the summer. Matt and I decided it would be a good weekend to head south where the weather and the water would be a little warmer with the kids. We had a good time. My parents came with which was great. The water was beautiful on Sunday and there were lots of nice pools.

We went out to eat in Branson at the Farmhouse and got ice cream afterwards.

Matt skiing.

Davin and Sophia under the waterfall at one of the pools.

One of the pool complexes.

Labor Day Weekend

We went camping with the Widens for Labor Day weekend. The weather wasn't great for boating, but we had a good time camping.

Sophia and Ben both managed to get themselves very dirty at the campgrounds. Can you see the dirt on their faces?

Sophia looking cute before school

Boating with the Geists

Ben letting the wind blow through his hair.

Jenna and I on the tube

Ben and Kayla sharing some fish crackers.

Davin & Sophia's first day of school