Friday, August 21, 2009

Our Family Vacation

We wanted to take off a couple of days to spend time with the kids before Davin started school. We decided to stay at home and cousin Olivia came to visit. She did a good job entertaining Davin and Sophia. We did lots of fun stuff around Des Moines and the best part is I didn't have to spend the hours packing and unpacking.
We spent time boating on Lake Red Rock.

This will be one of the few pictures where Sophia is actually looking at the camera.

Mary and Gary came boating with us one day. Mary even went on the tube with me.

Went went to the Science Center of Des Moines for a morning.

Matt had a good time making a paper rocket.

The kids pet a snake.

We went on bike rides to local parks.

Ben spent the first fewdays during vacation with his Great-Grandma Natalie since he had been sick. We didn't think he would enjoy spending whole days stuck on a boat in his life jacket. He came back for the last two days.

Jester Park has a natural playground so we decided to take the kids.

This is a big log the kids could climb through.

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