Sunday, September 20, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend we went camping again at Lake Red Rock. All of the camping spots where we had stayed the past two times were occupied so we ended up staying in an Equestrian campground. It was a little unusual for us. Everybody else had horses and we had a boat! It was fun though...a little more rustic than we had anticated. The other campground had an electric outlet so we brought with our coffee pot for the mornings. Matt ended up taking it to the bathroom to plug in! The weather was great and the kids enjoyed it.

Ben is not actually in the water. He is just on the tube sitting on the seat in the boat. Either way, he was not happy about it. Luckily, once we actually get moving on the boat he falls right asleep.

Sophia agreed to go with me on the tube. I think she had a good time for a little while.

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