Saturday, November 21, 2009

Davin's Birthday party

Roberta seemed to be having a pretty good time at "helping" Sophia get tickets.

Davin, Sophia, and Gabe with the Lego present Gabe gave him.

The boys decided to put together the legos. Gabe found the pieces, Saul put them together and Davin supervised. Does that sound like anybody else in the family? (Grandpa Gary) They did a great job and didn't need any help. I was impressed because I'm pretty sure I would have needed assistance.

We inflated the air mattresses and the boys enjoyed watching GI Joe together before bed.

The Living History Farm Run

Matt and I did the Living History Farm run on Saturday, November 21st. It was a 7 mile off-road race. I was a little worried, but it ended up being a lot of fun. There were so many people it was slow at times and we ended up having to stop and walk. There were 9 creeks to pass and a lot of muddy hills. We did pretty well at not getting wet or dirty in the begining. The end was hard to avoid.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Back on the Farm

We were back at my parents' house this weekend. Davin spent all afternoon and evening Saturday combining with Grandpa and then went out on Sunday again. He thought it was "awesome" I even volunteered to take him to a movie, but he said he would rather be in the field. Sophia wanted to go out with Grandpa too, but her attention span was slightly less. Ben had a good time playing outside while the weather was nice. Joe was his playmate.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

On the Farm, Nov. 4th

The kids were able to go see Grandpa combine while we were at the farm this week. Davin rode with Grandpa for a while, but Sophia said she was too scared. Maybe next time.

I'm not sure why Davin keeps doing this with his hands. It must be his new thing.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

More costume pictures

Ben's 1st Birthday

Ben celebrated his 1st Birthday today. November 2nd is the official day. Most of the family was able to make it and celebrate with us. He was in a great mood, except when we wanted to sign happy birthday to him.

This is right before we got ready to sign happy Birthday. We put the hat on and he grabbed the elastic band. Then he let go and it struck him across the face. Poor Baby!

Ben's Birthday cake.

You can see the mark on his face in this picture.