Sunday, November 1, 2009

Beggar's night and Halloween

In the Des Moines area Halloween has become Beggar's night and is celebrated on October 30th. Our neighborhood doesn't seem interested in having trick-or-treaters so this year we went with Jason and Miquel to Ankeny. It was cold out. Sophia had a good time. She had little Cinderella shoes with heels so she didn't move around as fast as usual. Davin was just wearing shorts and a t-shirt under his costume so he opted to stay in the van. We had to negotiate with Sophia to get her to share her candy. Ben went along to half of the houses.
Davin dressed up as Jango Fett from Star Wars.

Sophia was Cinderella.

Ben was a lion. My mom (Mary) made the costume.

Sophia with Owen Hadsall.

On Saturday Pepa and I took the kids to the Science Center in their costumes to play.

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