Monday, June 29, 2009

June 27 - 28 at The Maher's

We went home for a wedding and enjoyed some time relaxing on the farm. I have a feeling my parents wouldn't describe it the same way!

The kids were all good at the wedding. We sat in the back row just in case, but once we got to the reception they took off. This is pretty much what Davin looked like the entire evening.

It is me or do both Sophia and Matt look a little scared in the below picture?

Davin and Grandma Mary near the pumpkin patch.

Grandma and Davin petting Sassy the bucket calf.

Sassy was happy to walk beside us to the pumpkin patch and be petted. Then she got a little bit hyper and I was reminded of my I'm scared of cows. It took quite a while to get a good shot of us together. Then she kept nibbling at me and nudging me. Shortly after the picture she must have decided I wanted to go for a ride because her head was
between my legs and I was sitting on her neck. Luckily she stopped
moving forward so I could get off.

Sunday morning Grandpa got out the baby pool for Davin and Sophia. He was nice enough to use warm water. Ben slept through it all.

The Des Moines Art Festival, June 26th

Habitat for Humanity had a booth for kids to paint a picket fence that would go in front of a house they will be building. We made the mistake of entering the tent.

Matt had a good time using his artistic ability as well.

This was about the time we decided we should leave. Sophia wasn't happy about it and managed to get paint all over herself and me. This ideas always seem good in theory, but they aren't.

After making our way through the crowds we settled on the grass near the library to listen to Collective Soul who was playing outside for free.

Once Sophia got in the water we knew the evening was almost over.

By this time Matt was ready to go home.

Father's Day

We had both our families up for Father's Day. People attending included: Dwight, Roberta, John, Natalie, Bob, Mary, Gary, Genene, Steve, Pepa, Saul, little Saul, and our family.

I debated about whether to include this picture after uploading it. The small picture looked cute, but when it actually came upn you'll notice the snot running down his nose. This is an action picture of him crawling though.

I think this picture is technically from the day before Father's Day, but I wanted to include it. Davin didn't look very happy after waking up from his nap.

Principal Night at the I-Cubs

Matt and I took the kids to the I-Cubs game for Principal night. Before the game they had some inflatable toys and games. We forgot to bring Sophia's shoes so she enjoyed
the night without them.

Bill's girlfriend Ashley finally got Ben to go to sleep.

After the game we watched fire works and didn't leave until around 11:00 pm. Someone at the exit was handing out snickers bars so Davin and Sophia ate them on the way home. The kids were tired and fell asleep in the van.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Swim lessons

Davin and Sophia spent the past two weeks taking swim lessons. The weather was cold all but the last two days so I wasn't excited about getting in with Sophia, but we managed. Matt came and watched twice and got in the water with Sophia one day. Most of the time Davin was in the shallow water, but one day they got to wear life jackets and practice in a deeper pool.

Davin past level 2 of preschool aquatics. Some of the things he learned included: front float - 3 seconds, front glide - 2 body lengths, treading - 5 seconds, and the back float - 5 seconds.

Sophia's favorite activity was jumping in and out of the water. This class was to help the 2 year olds get used to the water. We would usually sing songs, go around the pool once on their tummies to practice kicking, blowing bubbles, and using arm strokes. Then they would go around once on their backs to kick some more. Sophia gradually got less interested in the kicking, etc and I mostly just walked around the pool with her. She has a mind of her own.