Sunday, June 21, 2009

Swim lessons

Davin and Sophia spent the past two weeks taking swim lessons. The weather was cold all but the last two days so I wasn't excited about getting in with Sophia, but we managed. Matt came and watched twice and got in the water with Sophia one day. Most of the time Davin was in the shallow water, but one day they got to wear life jackets and practice in a deeper pool.

Davin past level 2 of preschool aquatics. Some of the things he learned included: front float - 3 seconds, front glide - 2 body lengths, treading - 5 seconds, and the back float - 5 seconds.

Sophia's favorite activity was jumping in and out of the water. This class was to help the 2 year olds get used to the water. We would usually sing songs, go around the pool once on their tummies to practice kicking, blowing bubbles, and using arm strokes. Then they would go around once on their backs to kick some more. Sophia gradually got less interested in the kicking, etc and I mostly just walked around the pool with her. She has a mind of her own.

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