Monday, June 29, 2009

June 27 - 28 at The Maher's

We went home for a wedding and enjoyed some time relaxing on the farm. I have a feeling my parents wouldn't describe it the same way!

The kids were all good at the wedding. We sat in the back row just in case, but once we got to the reception they took off. This is pretty much what Davin looked like the entire evening.

It is me or do both Sophia and Matt look a little scared in the below picture?

Davin and Grandma Mary near the pumpkin patch.

Grandma and Davin petting Sassy the bucket calf.

Sassy was happy to walk beside us to the pumpkin patch and be petted. Then she got a little bit hyper and I was reminded of my I'm scared of cows. It took quite a while to get a good shot of us together. Then she kept nibbling at me and nudging me. Shortly after the picture she must have decided I wanted to go for a ride because her head was
between my legs and I was sitting on her neck. Luckily she stopped
moving forward so I could get off.

Sunday morning Grandpa got out the baby pool for Davin and Sophia. He was nice enough to use warm water. Ben slept through it all.

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